Business 2.0 Sees Money in Extra-Terrestrials March 8, 2006 By Felix Gillette The starry-eyed reporters at Business 2.0 embark on a back-to-the-future romp through outer space and find investment opportunities that are out of this world.
Tara Parker-Pope on Avoiding the Press Release March 3, 2006 By Felix Gillette The Wall Street Journal ‘s Health Mailbox columnist discusses the importance of not taking anything at face value, the nuance of health reporting, and her pet peeve.
NYU Blog Ranks Newspaper Blogs March 2, 2006 By Felix Gillette PressThink’s Jay Rosen and his students at NYU rank the best blogs at America’s biggest newspapers, giving their survey’s top standout, the Houston Chronicle, cause for celebration.
Bush Praises Bloggery, Bloggers Lap It Up March 1, 2006 By Felix Gillette For some bloggers, the news that the president liked their collective work was, at first blush, less surprising than the fact that he had finally discovered it.
Meltdowns in Iraq, Texas and Cambridge February 28, 2006 By Felix Gillette Time and The New Republic examine Iraq’s accelerating meltdown, while The New Yorker revisits another political mess in the arid lands of Texas.
Blog Swarm Responds to Kristol’s War Critique February 27, 2006 By Felix Gillette William Kristol weighs in on the seriousness of the war effort, touching off a serious effort among bloggers looking to rehash and reinterpret his remarks.
One More Sportswriter Mentions Wheaties, We’re Outta Here February 24, 2006 By Felix Gillette Winning gold is nice – but as countless American journalists have made clear throughout the Turin Games, getting your face plastered on a Wheaties box is nicer.
That’s the Sound of CJR Daily Cringing February 22, 2006 By Felix Gillette One of the world’s most strident sounds is that of a grown-up voice discussing the latest teenage slang, as Weekend Edition reminds us.
CNN Floods the Zone – With Toilet Bowl Water February 21, 2006 By Felix Gillette With news from a middle-school science fair that fast food ice might not be particularly clean, CNN swings into action to prove that it can, in fact, duplicate the results of one kid’s science experiment.
Times Scores with Profile of Dirty Tricks Company February 16, 2006 By Felix Gillette How did two fresh-faced naïfs stumble into D.C. and, a short time later, land multi-million dollar contracts from the U.S. government?