"I’ve Got Your Back – As Long As No One Sees Me With You" March 31, 2006 By Felix Gillette Newsday gives us a novel reason for allowing a source to go unnamed: the need to spread statements of unconditional support, on condition of anonymity.
On 44th Street, the Debt Piles Up – and So Do the Reporters March 30, 2006 By Felix Gillette Reporters discover the latest threat to Times Square: The National Debt Clock is about to run out of digits.
The Pit, the Pendulum and Michael Eisner March 29, 2006 By Felix Gillette The former Disney executive’s talk show debut receives a surprisingly warm welcome from journalists and critics, who grudgingly admit there’s a certain charm to his bulldozing impatience.
Surprise! Caffeine + Alcohol = Drunk March 28, 2006 By Felix Gillette Reuters reports on the jaw-dropping findings of Brazilian researchers: drinking Red Bull does not magically negate the chemical effects of alcohol on the human body.
Pixie Dust, Promises and Bizarre Side Effects March 21, 2006 By Felix Gillette Reporters far and wide have been mining the story-rich terrain of the sleep drug Ambien — and we’re having trouble staying awake long enough to keep up.
Snow Tries to Snow WSJ, Gets Blowback March 20, 2006 By Felix Gillette Perhaps Treasury Secretary John Snow should spend more time reading the Wall Street Journal and less time trying to spin it.
Bush Flops as Press Critic March 15, 2006 By Felix Gillette On Monday, President Bush once again unfairly accused a paper of publishing a bit of closely-held, super-secret information which, in retrospect, turned out to be neither closely-held nor super-secret.
The Real Nano-Tech Story March 13, 2006 By Felix Gillette Writing in the Washington Post, reporter Rick Weiss takes the revolutionary approach of writing about nanotechnology’s current applications, rather than its future ones.
Sure, It’s All About the Emotions March 13, 2006 By Felix Gillette These days, business dispatches from Wall Street are awash in worries. Forget the invisible hand of the market. It’s all about the invisible furrowed brow.
Pondering More News Outlets, Fewer Reporters, and the Plight of Jill Carroll March 13, 2006 By Felix Gillette Bloggers respond to a study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism which found that while the number of news outlets has been expanding, the number of news gatherers has been shrinking.