Election 2012 coverage: another gender gap May 31, 2012 By Erika Fry Mostly men talking about ‘wars on women’
It’s 2012 already: why is opinion writing still mostly male? May 29, 2012 By Erika Fry Byline counts are better, but not much. How come?
For TV, campaigns create big winners, (relative) losers May 15, 2012 By Erika Fry Political ads may not be all "gravy" for local stations—but they’re still an awfully good deal
Looking beyond Kony April 20, 2012 By Erika Fry Coverage of Africa needs to go beyond the sensationalistic, three experts said at a panel talk on Thursday
Freelancers on the Front Lines April 17, 2012 By Erika Fry Safety for foreign correspondents is an issue the media needs to address
Romney, BuzzFeed, and that "Hidden" Op-Ed March 21, 2012 By Erika Fry Is the press ceding policy-shift reporting to oppo artists?