Ebony on the Fall of Detroit December 3, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi The magazine reports the U.S. car industry’s demise is hitting blacks especially hard
Portfolio: Anybody Home? November 25, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Two duds about housing suggest the magazine is not getting it
New Yorker’s Hot Air on Poverty November 17, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Gladwell over-inflates the story of one Goldman banker
Herb Sandler: I’m Hit, But ProPublica’s Fine November 12, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi A recent Bloomberg account was unclear; we fix the record
Semi-Official Symbol of Woe November 11, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Same trader shows up in Wall Street crash photos
The Economist (Heart) Utah November 7, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi The magazine reaches too far for a happy narrative on the state’s economy
The Great Man Theory and Hank Paulson November 5, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Business press iconography is over the top
Halve Not October 31, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Unreflective Reuters undresses itself in misuse of transitive verb
Where are the Subprime Toasters? October 24, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Harper’s calls for a Financial Product Safety Commission
Disposable Story October 23, 2008 By Elinore Longobardi Fortune overplays the meaning of a personal-savings uptick