Megan Stack On War Reporting in Lebanon August 4, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The Los Angeles Times‘ Cairo bureau chief discusses the calculated risks inherent in covering the war, and getting close to Hezbollah rocket fire more often than she’d like.
Pondering Shutdown of White House Press Briefing Room August 3, 2006 By Edward B. Colby Bloggers react to the final curtain call of a 20th-century relic.
Carter Pleas for Peace, Bloggers Step Up Attack August 2, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The former president issues an op-ed plea to "Stop the Band-Aid Treatment," which bloggers receive with characteristic restraint and maturity.
The Press Briefing Room, Iraq and Citizen Journalism August 1, 2006 By Edward B. Colby Newsweek previews the rehab of the White House press briefing room, Time offers two takes on the Middle East crisis, and the New Yorker concludes that citizen journalism has brought us … not much.
ABC Uncovers Climate Science for Sale July 28, 2006 By Edward B. Colby ABC catches a Colorado electric cooperative giving money to a global warming skeptic under dubious circumstances. Colorado newspapers fail to notice.
CNNMoney Copies Copy About Copycats July 26, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The financial site has taken to filling its news hole with rewrites of stories from other outlets.
The Sad Tale of One Steelworker’s Plight July 24, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The AP’s Vicki Smith provides us the compelling story of what led a West Virginia steelworker to take his own life.
WHDH Unwittingly Feeds Daily Show‘s Maw July 21, 2006 By Edward B. Colby A badly edited, poorly timed interview with former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift makes Boston’s NBC affiliate seem oblivious to the news.
Reporting on Lebanon’s Dispossessed July 19, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The Los Angeles Times brings us an evocative story about the realities for civilians on the ground in Lebanon.
Carl Monday On Relentless Reporting, a Murder Confession and His Real Name July 4, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The Cleveland journalist who recently reported a piece about sexual misbehavior in area libraries talks about the reaction to the story and where he draws the line.