Treating Ghost Detainees As Invisible December 2, 2005 By Edward B. Colby To the new terms “extraordinary rendition” and “black sites” we can now add “ghost detainees.” So why isn’t the rest of the press learning along with us?
Ellen Soeteber on Leaving the Post-Dispatch, Changing a Newsroom’s Culture and Covering a “Three-Ring Circus” November 25, 2005 By Edward B. Colby
Bringing It All Back Home November 24, 2005 By Edward B. Colby Are newspapers really dying? Or are rumors of their demise greatly exaggerated? A look at how some newspapers have been able to maintain print readership, and what lessons they might hold for the industry as a whole.
Murtha’s Change of Heart, and a “Third Way” in Iraq November 22, 2005 By Edward B. Colby The week after Rep. John Murtha’s dramatic call to bring the troops home, the nation’s major magazines feature a smattering of offerings about the Pennsylvania congressman and the larger question of Iraq.