Guessing What Apple Has Up Its Sleeve February 28, 2006 By Edward B. Colby When journalists rely on rumor and teasers from companies promoting their new products, are they practicing journalism, or inadvertently giving companies free PR?
NPR, Reuters and CNN Highlight An Astonishing Story Ignored By Others February 24, 2006 By Edward B. Colby Sometimes a story comes over the wires so astonishing, so hard to conceive, that it stops us cold. It happened yesterday with a Reuters dispatch from the Congo.
Summers Resigns, and the Big Guns (and Little) Are All Over It February 22, 2006 By Edward B. Colby Any controversy involving the Harvard name draws press like moths to a flame, and the resignation of the university’s president yesterday provoked front-page coverage of varying quality from the nation’s dailies.
To BusinessWeek, Up Is Down, and Down Is Up February 17, 2006 By Edward B. Colby As if we needed any more convincing, BusinessWeek provides yet more evidence that the media’s obsession with short-term stock prices does not make any sense.
It Takes Two to Tell Boston Airport Story February 17, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The Boston papers tell strikingly different stories about the same subject – a reminder of just how valuable two competing voices can be.
ABC Gives a Free Handout to "Wolves" February 16, 2006 By Edward B. Colby A story on ABC’s Web site crosses from reporting on a commercial phenomenon into the realm of free, uncritical publicity.
Barron’s Bashes Google, Just for Kicks February 15, 2006 By Edward B. Colby Increasingly, reporters who cover the markets don’t just write the news; they are the news.
There’s Money in Fear, But Don’t Tell CNN February 10, 2006 By Edward B. Colby CNNMoney returns to a favorite far-from-objective source for another article stoking oil fears that are utterly unwarranted.
Ginger Thompson on Haiti’s Chaos and Courage, and Calling Gang Members February 10, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The New York Times‘ Mexico City bureau chief discusses the Haitian people’s resolve to cast ballots, getting the green light to report in Cité Soleil, and driving all night on a Guatemalan highway.
Mass Alarm Over Mass Data Sweep of Blogs and Email February 9, 2006 By Edward B. Colby The Christian Science Monitor broke a big story on its front page today, leaving bloggers concerned – very, very concerned.