Showdown over the future of independent documentaries at PBS February 26, 2015 By Chris Ip Proposal to move POV and Independent Lens to secondary station puts PBS and WNET in a bind
ESPN’s The Undefeated off the ground February 12, 2015 By Chris Ip Jason Whitlock’s long delayed race and sports site launches first story
The New Republic relaunch features… The New Republic February 5, 2015 By Chris Ip The magazine’s first issue since staff shakeup burnishes its new image
When Burning Man is your beat January 30, 2015 By Chris Ip The Reno Gazette-Journal hires its first reporter to cover the experimental community year-round
What will happen to The New York Times‘ race beat? January 28, 2015 By Chris Ip It’s uncertain if the newspaper will replace Tanzina Vega, who is moving to the metro desk
Timeline, an app based on ‘the history of…’ January 20, 2015 By Chris Ip But chronology doesn’t reveal everything
Genius and the splintering of arts journalism January 14, 2015 By Chris Ip For the future of music criticism, Sasha Frere-Jones’ new company cannot replace his old one
PR agencies can pay for journalist ‘dossiers’ January 5, 2015 By Chris Ip Some obscure profiles from NewsBios get factchecked
An old media scoop on pro-ISIS tweeter Shami Witness leads to a new media dox December 18, 2014 By Chris Ip When anonymity is taken out of the media’s hands