Above the Fold: Sins of Omission December 4, 2008 By Charles Kaiser NYT strategically chops Sen. Feinstein’s statement on torture
Above the Fold: Slanting the Torture Story December 3, 2008 By Charles Kaiser Everything you won’t learn about torture in The New York Times
Above the Fold: Complex Analysis December 1, 2008 By Charles Kaiser Kaiser on NBC News and the military-industrial complex
Winners & Sinners November 25, 2008 By Charles Kaiser Kaiser on Michelle Cottle, Hendrik Hertzberg, Jim Sleeper, and others
Above the Fold: Down the Rabbit Hole November 24, 2008 By Charles Kaiser John Cassidy, Joe Nocera, and others trace our economic ruination
Above the Fold: Ross, Kiriakou, and Waterboarding December 17, 2007 By Charles Kaiser Charles Kaiser takes on ABC’s torture coverage