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Reporting Iraq

A roundtable on the journalism of the war, featuring four professionals who covered it
November 9, 2007

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Just after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, reporters could go almost anywhere and talk to almost anyone. Then, slowly, everything changed.

Columbia Journalism Review’s new book, Reporting Iraq: An Oral History of the War by the Journalists Who Covered It, explores that change through the eyes of the reporters, photographers, translators, and producers who have seen it up close. Told in a first-person, conversational form, Reporting Iraq illuminates this difficult war in a unique and powerful way.

Four of the journalists featured in Reporting Iraq—Deborah Amos (NPR), Anne Barnard (New York Times/Boston Globe), Ali Fadhil (translator turned documentary producer), and Elizabeth Palmer (CBS News)—joined us for a roundtable discussion on November 1, sharing their own experiences of the war and bringing personal perspectives to the words and images that have conveyed the war to American audiences.

An audio recording of the event is below. We hope you enjoy it.″>

(Please click here to listen if you cannot see the player above.)

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.