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Additional research on branding and trust

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The following studies were reviewed for CJR’s experiment on magazine branding and trust online. Those marked with * are directly referenced in the text. 

*Austin E, Dong Q (1994) Source v. content effects on judgments of news believability. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 71:4 973-983.

*Blackwell CJ (2011) Protecting the magazine brand: brand manuals, their uses, and implementation. The University of Mississippi.

Buttle F (1998) Word of mouth: understanding and managing referral marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing 6:4.

Carr DJ, Barnidge M, Lee BG, Tsang SJ (2014) Cynics and skeptics: Evaluating the credibility of mainstream and citizen journalism. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 91:3 452-470.

Ceron A (2015) Internet, news, and political trust: The difference between social media and online media outlets. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 20: 487–503.

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Chaudhuri A, Holbrook M (2001) The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: the role of brand loyalty. Journal of Marketing 65:2 81-93.

Chen J, Dibb S (2010) Consumer trust in the online retail context: exploring the antecedents and consequences. Psychology and Marketing 27:4 323-346.

*Cole J, Greer J (2013) Audience response to brand journalism: the effect of frame, source, and involvement. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 90:4 673-690.

Davidson L, McNeill L, Ferguson S (2007) Magazine communities: Brand community formation in magazine consumption. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy  27:5 208-220.

Ellonen H, Kuivalainen O (2007) Magazine publishers and their online strategies: Review and implications for research and online-strategy formulation. International Journal of Technology Marketing 2:1 81-100.

Ellonen H (2007) Exploring the strategic impact of technological change: Studies on the role of Internet in magazine publishing. Lappeenranta 203:14.

Eveland W, Shah D (2003) The impact of individual and interpersonal factors on perceived news media bias. Political Psychology 24:1 101-117.

Faro D (2010) Changing the future by reshaping the past: the influence of causal beliefs on estimates of time to onset. Journal of Consumer Research 37:2 279-291.

Farrell H (2012) The consequences of the internet for politics. Annual Review of Political Science 15: 35-52.

Fiske ST (1993) “Social cognition and social perception.” Annual Review of Psychology 44: 155-194.

Flanagin A, Metzger M (2000) Perceptions of internet information credibility. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 77:3 515-540.

Gigerenzer H, Gaissmaier W (2011) Heuristic decision making. Annual Review of Psychology 62: 451-482.

Graham G, Greenhill A (2013) Exploring interaction: print and online news media synergies. Internet Research 23:1 89-108.

*Green MC, Brock TC (2000) The Role of Transportation in the Persuasiveness of Public Narratives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 701-721.

*Greer J, Pan P (2015) The role of website format, blog use, and information-gathering acquaintance in online message assessment. Telematics and Informatics 32:4 594-602.

*Gunther A (1988) Attitude extremity and trust in media. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 65:2 279-287.

Gunther A (1992) Biased press or biased public? Attitudes toward media coverage of social groups. Public Opinion Quarterly 56:2 147-167.

Heinz-Werner Nienstedt F, Huber CS (2012) The influence of the congruence between brand and consumer personality on the loyalty to print and online issues of magazine brands. International Journal on Media Management 14:1.

Hermida A, Fletcher F, Korell D, Logan D (2012) Share, like, recommend: decoding the social media news consumer. Journalism Studies 13:5-6 815-824. 

Hmielowski J, Feldman L, Myers T, Leiserowitz A, Maibach E (2013) An attack on science? Media use, trust in scientists, and perceptions of global warming. Public Understanding of Science 23: 866-883.

Hong-Youl H (2004) Factors influencing consumer perceptions of brand trust online. Journal of Product and Brand Management 13:4 329-342.

Hsu M, Ju T, Yen C, Chang C (2007) Knowledge sharing behavior in virtual communities: the relationship between trust, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 65:2 153-169.

*Johnson T, Kaye B (1998) Cruising is believing?: Comparing internet and traditional sources on media credibility measures. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 75:2 325-340.

Johnson T, Kaye B (2000) Using is believing: the influence of reliance on the credibility of online political information among politically interested internet users. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 77:4 865-879.

*Kelton K, Fleischmann K, Wallace W (2008) Trust in digital information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59:3 363-374. 

Konieczna M, Robinson S (2014) Emerging news non-profits: A case study for rebuilding community trust? Journalism 15: 968-986.

Krebs I, Siegert G (2015) 20 years of research on media brands and media branding. Handbook of Media Branding 33-49.

Lee J (2015) The double-edged sword: the effects of journalists’ social media activities on audience perceptions of journalists and their news products. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 20:3 312-329.

Lee TT (2010) Why they don’t trust the media: An examination of factors predicting trust. American Behavioral Scientist 54:1 8-21.

*Leonard L, Frederick S, Ariely D (2006) Try it, you’ll like it: the influence of expectation, consumption, and revelation on preferences for beer. Psychological Science 17:1054-1058.

*Levin I, Gaeth G (1988) How consumers are affected by the framing of attribute information before and after consuming the product. Journal of Consumer Research 15:3 374-378.

*Levine M, Hiatt A, Shapiro M (2015) Readers will finish long stories—especially if they come from a trusted source. Columbia Journalism Review.

*Lin M, Lee B (2012) The influence of website environment on brand loyalty: brand trust and brand affect as mediators. International Journal of Electronic Business Management 10:4 308-321.

Lis B, Berz J (2011) Using social media for branding in publishing. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies 1:4.

Loosen W, Schmidt J (2012) (Re-)discovering the audience: the relationship between journalism and audience in networked digital media. Information Communication and Society 15:6 867-887.

*Lucassen T, Schraagen J (2012) Propensity to trust and the influence of source and medium cues in credibility evaluation. Journal of Information Science 38:6 566-577.

*Manjoo F (2013) You won’t finish this article: why people online don’t read to the end. Slate.

Marshall R, WoonBong N (2003) An experimental study of the role of brand strength in the relationship between the medium of communication and perceived credibility of the message. Journal of Interactive Marketing 17:3 75-79.

Martin GC (2015) The importance of customer equity and branding: a research note. Journal of Business and Economics Research 13:3 153.

Messing S, Westwood S (2012) Selective exposure in the age of social media: endorsements trump partisan source affiliation when selecting news online. Communication Research 41:8 1042-1063. 

Metzger M, Flanagin A (2013) Credibility and trust of information in online environments: the use of cognitive heuristics. Journal of Pragmatics 59:B 210-220. 

*Mitchell A, Stocking G, Matsa K (2016) Long-form reading shows signs of life in our mobile news world. Pew Research Center.

Moy P, Scheufele D (2000) Media effects on political and social trust. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 23:7 744-759.

Nah S, Chung D (2012) When citizens meet both professional and citizen journalists: social trust, media credibility, and perceived journalistic roles among online community news readers. Journalism 13:6 714-730.

*Norc at the University of Chicago (1973-2014) Confidence in press.

Nyhan B, Reifler J (2010) When corrections fail: the persistence of political misperceptions. Political Behavior 32:2 303-330.

*Pew Research Center (2014) Political polarization & media habits

*Pew Research Center (2015) Digital: top 50 digital native news sites.

*Pew Research Center (2015) State of the news media 2015.

Pressler J (2015) Bullsh*t: the art of the sell, a half-century after Mad Men. New York Magazine.

*Prior M (2013) Media and political polarization. Annual Review of Political Science 16: 101-127.

*Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (2015) Digital news report 2015.

*Riffkin R (2015) Americans’ trust in media remains at historical low. Gallup.

Robert M, Garry M, Kirsch I (2012) Suggestion, cognition, and behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science 21: 151-156.

Rubinstein H, Griffiths C (2001) Branding matters more on the internet. Journal of Brand Management 8:6 394-404.

*Shiv B, Carmon Z, Ariely D (2005) Placebo effects of marketing actions: consumers may get what they pay for. Journal of Marketing Research 42:4 383–393.

*Shiv B, Carmon Z, Ariely D (2005) Ruminating about placebo effects of marketing actions. Journal of Marketing Research 42:4 410–414. 

*Simmons G (2007) “i-branding”: developing the internet as a branding tool. Marketing Intelligence & Planning 25:6 544-562. 

Slater MD, Rouner D (2002) Entertainment—Education and Elaboration Likelihood: Understanding the Processing of Narrative Persuasion. Communication Theory, 12: 173–191.

*Slater MD, Rouner D, Long M (2006), Television Dramas and Support for Controversial Public Policies: Effects and Mechanisms. Journal of Communication, 56: 235–252. 

Sundar S (1998) Effect of source attribution on perception of online news stories. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 75:1 55-68.

Tarkiainen A, Hanna-Kaisa E, Kuivalainen O (2009) Complementing consumer magazine brands with internet extensions? Internet Research 19:4 408-424.

Tarkiainen A (2014) Creating loyalty towards magazine websites: insights from the double jeopardy phenomenon. International Journal of E-Business Research 10:1. 

Tsfati Y, Cappella J (2003) Do people watch what they do not trust? Exploring the association between news media skepticism and exposure. Communication Research 30:5 504-529.

Travis D (2001) Branding in the digital age. Journal of Business Strategy 22:3 14.

*Urban J, Schweiger W (2014) News quality from the recipient’s perspective. Journalism Studies 15:6 821-840.

Valkenburg P, Peter J, Walther J (2016) Media effects: theory and research. Annual Review of Psychology 67:1 315-338. 

*Vallone R, Ross L, Lepper M (1985) The hostile media phenomenon: Biased perception and perceptions of media bias in coverage of the Beirut massacre. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49:3 577-585.

Wilcox K, Roggeveen A, Grewal D (2011) Shall I tell you now or later? Assimilation and contrast in the evaluation of experiential products. Journal of Consumer Research 38:4 763-773.

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Danny Funt, Chava Gourarie, and Jack Murtha are CJR Delacorte Fellows.