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After accusing Jon Stewart of jumping the shark on Twitter over the weekend, Keith Olbermann last night gave in to the siren call of America’s self-professed sanity restorer and announced that he would be temporarily suspending his “Worst Person in the World” segment. Here is a taste of “Worst Person,” if you’ve never had the “pleasure.”
Olbermann explained the move on his program:
Its satire and whimsy have gradually gotten lost in some anger, so in the spirit of the thing, as of right now, I am unilaterally suspending that segment with an eye towards discontinuing it. We don’t know how that works long term. We might bring it back. We might bring back something similar to it, might kill it outright, and next week we will solicit your input.
The move got us thinking: What other segments, programs, or people would you like to see “suspended” from cable news?
Bill O’Reilly’s “Pinheads and Patriots”? Maddow’s “Moments of Geek?” Wolf Blitzer?
Sharpen your axe and let us know below.
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