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Lots of hubbub today at the Columbia University Journalism building in which we CJR staffers toil away. Not only do the bathrooms overfloweth with suited-up mommas and poppas stopping by campus to watch their kids graduate, but the J-School has announced an interesting new project called The New York World that’s nabbing a few headlines online.
According to a statement from the school, the World—named after the paper that J-school founder Joseph Pulitzer’s started—is a digital project “designed to provide New York City citizens with accountability journalism about government operations that affect their lives.”
New York World will serve both as a site, where citizens can learn more about how services are allotted and tax dollars are spent, and as a news service, providing stories, data and other information to local news providers.
New York World will be an integral part of Columbia Journalism School. Its editor and staff will work closely with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism to innovate and produce effective ways to help citizens understand how their government works. Additionally, the editor will engage faculty at the Journalism School and other university departments to bolster the content and authority of the site.
The project is funded by the J-School’s “generous donors” and the school plans additional fund-raising.
The best news about this new development in a rainy week in which oodles of grads will be looking for work? The World has jobs! Jobs! Jobs! There’s one editor position up for grabs and a number of post-doctoral fellowships for multimedia journalists and data specialists—preferences for the latter go to recent Columbia J-School grads.
Follow this link to apply.
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