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Bubble Trouble

Occasionally, a commentator will make an observation so obvious, yet so in need of being said, that it might fairly be deemed “profound.” Today, Matt Yglesias...
April 4, 2008

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Occasionally, a commentator will make an observation so obvious, yet so in need of being said, that it might fairly be deemed “profound.”

Today, Matt Yglesias is that commentator. For the observation, specifically, he made while considering the as-yet-relatively-light impact on DC’s employment levels brought on by the recess—er, economic troubles—we’re facing right now:

On some level—good for us! But still, it’s striking how much of a disconnect there is not just between the perceptions of Beltway folks and realities in the country, but actual reality in the DC area and the rest of the country.

The general media and political climate would probably be quite different if the places where politicos live were feeling a bit more of the pain.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.