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Must-reads of the week

RIP Horse_ebooks
September 27, 2013

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Culled from CJR’s frequently updated “Must-reads from around the Web,” our staff recommendations for the best pieces of journalism (and other miscellany) on the Internet, here are your can’t-miss must-reads of the past week:

Horse_ebooks is human after all — The people behind the beloved spambot

Columbia professor Prabhjot Singh was attacked in NYC for being Sikh on Saturday — Read his op-ed for the Daily News: “My wife and I have no intention to move”

Scandal at Clinton Inc. — How Doug Band drove a wedge through a political dynasty

The tech intellectuals — The good, bad, and ugly among our new breed of cyber-critics, and the economic imperatives that drive them

Lena Dunham is fat and Angela Merkel is frumpyThe New York Times was right to notice the HBO star’s body at the Emmy Awards

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The top 5 iOS7 ringtones reviewed — “You are folding laundry in the laundry room of your modest suburban Colorado home. You are pleased with this zen task. A cool breeze fondles the lace curtains of your open window.”

Why Generation Y yuppies are unhappy — Happiness = Reality – Expectations

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.