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Must-reads of the week

Bradley Manning and journalism, Reza Aslan and Fox News, Sunil Tripathi and Reddit
August 2, 2013

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Culled from CJR’s frequently updated “Must-reads from around the Web,” our staff recommendations for the best pieces of journalism (and other miscellany) on the Internet, here are your can’t-miss must-reads of the past week:

Should Reddit be blamed for the spreading of a smear? — The case of Sunil Tripathi

The Bradley Manning verdict is still bad news for the press — The Obama administration’s war on leaks and, by extension, the work of investigative reporters, has been unrelenting

Good Jill, bad Jill — The queen of The New York Times

How a terrible Fox News interview became a traffic bonanza for BuzzFeed — The headline was, “Is This The Most Embarassing Interview Fox News Has Ever Done?” Don’t you want to click and find out?

The Guardian‘s editor opens up on Reddit — Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian, answered questions in an Ask Me Anything

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The (almost) lost speech of Justice Anthony Kennedy — How his insightful remarks about the Constitution inadvertently make the case for a Supreme Court “media pool”

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.