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In Which Sarah Palin Enters Our Lives Once Again

She’s baaaaaack. Or, rather, she will be. Politico is reporting that, because we don’t yet know enough about the life and times of Sarah Palin, a...
December 19, 2008

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She’s baaaaaack. Or, rather, she will be. Politico is reporting that, because we don’t yet know enough about the life and times of Sarah Palin, a book on that subject–and, specifically, on the Alaska governor’s unsuccessful bid for the vice presidency–is forthcoming. Its working title is Sarah From Alaska, and it will be penned by former Palin embeds Scott Conroy (CBS) and Shushannah Walshe (Fox News). More from Conroy on the tome-to-be:

While we’re obviously going to use our experiences on the trail to report a lot of new information on how the Palin campaign was run, the book is also going to be forward-looking. There’s a long list of unsuccessful VP nominees who’ve faded into obscurity, but what we think is so interesting about Palin is that even in defeat, she was able to win the hearts of the GOP base, and love her or hate her, she’ll be back on the national scene.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.