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Four CJR writers are named finalists for media coverage awards
April 19, 2010

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We’re delighted today to bring you some more happy news about Columbia Journalism Review: four of our writers are among the finalists in the fourth annual Mirror Awards, which are bestowed by Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications to recognize excellence in media industry reporting.

CJR writers actually claimed five finalist slots in four different categories. Dean Starkman, who runs The Audit, our business section, is a finalist in the category of best in-depth piece in traditional media for his “Power Problem,” an examination of the failures of the business press leading up to the financial crisis.

Justin Peters, our managing editor/Web, received two separate nominations in the category of best profile writing in digital media: one for “Man About Town,” his look at Seattle PostGlobe founder Kery Murakami, and another for “Burger Meister,” his profile of Chicago Tribune cheeseburger critic Kevin Pang.

“Regret the Error” columnist Craig Silverman is a finalist in the category of best commentary in digital media, claiming the honor for a package of four columns: one on a backlog of corrections at The Washington Post, another on TV critic Alessandra Stanley’s history of mistakes, a third on the newfound popularity of fact checking, and a fourth on what a press conference hoax revealed about the “speed vs. accuracy” debate.

And finally, former staff writer Megan Garber (now of Nieman Lab) is a finalist in the category of best single article in digital media, for “Common Knowledge,” a meditation on the consequences of media fragmentation and one of the entries in our Press Forward series.

Congratulations and good luck to all our finalists, who are up against some stiff competition. A press release listing all the finalists is here. And if you’d like to support this acclaimed media criticism, you can subscribe to our print magazine here.

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.